that site uses the ugliest fucking images i swear
>>3633348711/18. pretty on the nose that you're a waifu fag
++ Steel
- Grass, Water, Normal, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Fairy
>>3633349716/18. is it fair to say this seems a little too safe? like everything seems to be generally accepted good mons.
++ Electric, Rock, Flying, Poison, Dark, Dragon
- Steel, Fairy
>>3633361115/18. pretty good, some nice underrated mons here like aero gligar, and cloyster
++ Grass, Rock, Flying, Dark, Ghost, Ice
- Normal, Psychic Fighting, Fairy
>>3633365718/18. Amazing taste my man. every pick is so good and not even in a general way. so much are favorites of mine
++ Grass, Fire, Water, Electric, Psychic, Fighting, Flying, Ghost, Dragon, Fairy
>>3633372016/18. good shit as well, should make image a bit bigger though
++ Fire, Water, Normal, Poison, Dark
- Fairy
-- Fighting
>>3633375116/18. favorite in the thread even though i dislike Gothitelle and Dragonite
++ Grass, Normal, Fighting, Water, Ground, Poison, Dark, Ghost, Ice, Steel
- Psychic, Dragon
>>3633378916/18. man so much good lists in this thread, this be my second favorite
++ grass, fire, water, electric, poison, dark, ghost, ice, fairy
- normal, fighting