>RG progresses through the early layers of hell in Madame Moto>White Man finishes up the Empyrean mod's quests>some are absolute fucking bullshit beyond compare, but give out omnipotent fakemons as rewards>one anon finishes this shitfuck>BUT I'M NOT DONE>i get to suffer through route after route after route after route after gauntlet after puzzle after gauntlet after puzzle after gauntlet after>trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer trainer copy pasted trainers trainer trainer trainer>the 8th gym which actually has a cute BDSM chick.>MORE GAUNTLETS>one of the worst boss fights i've ever fucking seen >AND MORE FUCKING STORY>TEN MORE HOURS OF TIME TRAVEL AND FURSHIT>AHAHAHHAAAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHAH KILL ME KILL ME NOW>...this will probably be the final thread.>What is this?Pokemon Empyrean, a game where I think you're looking for your dad or some shit? idk
anyway there's a bunch of new fakemon/regionals, 3 new types that barely have any pokemon attached to them, the creator is a massive jojofag, and more. However you apparently get to sexo people.
>Wanna join?Sure, bring a tripcode if you want to be identified easier.
If you want to post progress from a game that's not Empyrean, just don't spam.
Download link: to mod by RG which enables some shit like debug, text skipping, etc. link to RG's mods for other games: