So, I did it guys. Current streak is 105 and I'll keep going to see how far I go.
I did it by using Focus Sash on Garchomp and Wide Lens on Metagross. Both items are bullshit filters and are absolutely essential if you ask me. I got plenty of shit thrown at me but these things saved my ass.
Focus Sash saved my ass in several cases, and Wide Lens helped guarantee hits against the many Bright Powder users and Double Team spammers. For instance, fight 100 started with a Bright Powder Regigigas, similar to the one Palmer uses (so that makes 2 of them in the same streak), and I fought many Double Team spammers including this fucker twice
>>42830685Fight 100 was: Regigigas, Entei, Latios
The Latios didn't have a nature that could outspeed me, but I should have been able to win even if it did since I still had both Starmie and Garchomp with good HP.
Video example of how Focus Sash saved my ass:>Rhyhorn's Quick Claw activates to OHKO Starmie>Rhyhorn's Horn Drill hits GarchompThe usual "two bullshit" combo I'm used to by now. To bounce back on my previous post: note that Metagross had 23HP at the end of the fight, I don't think I'd have survived this match in the same conditions if it had a dozen less IVs on Def and HP.
I also used Crunch quite a lot during this streak, I didn't have any more game corner coins for Swords Dance and didn't feel like spending a couple of hours at Voltorbflip, but I don't regret it. There were many situations were Crunch was helpful against Psy moves, without having to end up locked by Outrage.