>>33726715>hyped up everyone with sun and moon trailers only to leave a bad taste in most peoples mouths being the most lackluster title since x/y>people defend it because of waifus>sequel announced not even a year later>no fucking content for 3 months after it's announced>first things shown is that liger zero and the batwing have new sets of armor and the wolf got a reskin>new Ubs that no one asked or cared for>looking to be the same half assed release like regular sun and moon but people here will fight tooth and nail because of a few flashy cutscenes and their precious lillie.It's sad when capcom effortlessly shat out a MH spinoff that was the best pokemon game since b/w2 while GF can't be assed to put any effort into it anymore while also adding gimmicky shit no one wants. the worst part is so long as game has pokemon slapped on the cover and have cookie cutter anime girls that faggots can't help but eat up for some reason this isn't going to stop.
TL;DR The Stockholm syndrome is real and you need to wake up.