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I'm new to IVs, and just now figuring out what's in the 'dex with this new update. Within reason, would you say it's best to keep mons with:
1) ideal movesets
2) top iv's, and
3) high cp
In that order? In other words, an 800cp Primeape with ideal moveset should be kept over an 850 Primeape with shit moves, but top iv's? The rationale there being that you can always power up low cp 'mons after the fact, but movesets and ivs are hardwired.
Also, when looking to evolve, you'd evolve a lower cp mon with great iv's, since the iv's transfer over to the evolved form, yeah (but you're still ultimately praying the moveset is on point, since that's still randomized)?
I don't even care about function, really, I just think it's baller to have a dex filled with nothing but ideal movesets and perfect iv monz.