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2D is inherently limited and there's a reason literally every studio is dropping it. It's impossible to make it not look cheap compared to the same amount of work and budget put into 3D. While it's a little easier to work with at the basic level because less is demanded for a functional look, actually creating a game in 2D at a AAA or even AA level is a resource hog and likely results in just as if not more heavy reuse of assets than a
Even companies that swore by the strength of spritework and are respected for it to this day like Arc System Works found it easier to SPECIFICALLY FUCKING REWORK UNREAL ENGINE 3 SO THAT THEY COULD REPLICATE THE EFFECTS OF 2D because working with 3D is THAT MUCH BETTER. And they saw ridiculous levels of success with it, not only with Guilty Gear, but then using those same tools on Dragon Ball FighterZ and Granblue Fantasy: Versus.
The only company making larger scale projects with 2D are Vanillaware, and they only get away with the cheap tweening animation they use because of their high detail artstyle. Not to mention they're notorious for the projects being subject to extremely long dev times.
Going back to 2D for a franchise like Pokemon would only serve to force them to cut EVEN MORE shit.
You literally just want to go back to still images? Is that what you want?