>all these posts while I was sleepingI was starting to think nighthawks didn't exist.
>>55765423>cringe? Or is AI worse?Repeat after me: I'm cringe. And that's based. I'll never be based and that's not cringe. There's no one else I'd rather be, than me.
>>55765440If I had to choose, definitely left. Even discounting AI's wacky floating hair syndrome, Alex--GOD FUCK--AXEL never struck me as the type to spend thirty minutes a day applying the shampoo and conditioner needed to maintain that long, long hair and comb all the knots out.
>>55765484>QRDhttps://www.houstonisd.org/cms/lib2/TX01001591/Centricity/Domain/43444/Of%20Mice%20and%20Men%20PDF.pdf Here, have the entire book available online for free. You could knock it out in a single sitting.