http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2zkN74s72MYou're in a dentist's office.
You're strapped to a chair.
Your mouth is wide open and you cannot close it. There is a bright light shining down on you.
From the shadows emerges a Probopass. However, this Probopass actually has a body, a typical male human body dressed in dentist's garb.
His head is still big though.
He walks up to you.
"You ready to get your teeth pulled out?"
"N-Not really..."
The Probopass' voice is husky, deep, like he's done this shit a thousand times before and now he's degraded himself to a miserable absolute point of no return.
"That's too bad."A) NOPENOPENOPENOPE
B) Get probe'd in the teeth.
C) "Why are you doing this?!"
D) "Please, just be gentle man.."