>In the last episode of the Reborn Multi-LP>People leave the STD ridden hell school (Brazil) while others are still catching up>We are then forced to put up with Cain's mega faggotry yet again>Ace the tranny(?) is here and adds nothing to the story as usual and wastes everyone's time>We have a cathartic experience kicking Fern's ass yet again, as usual he huffs absurd amounts of copium to try and handle his failures>Hardy and Aya, Two of the few tolerable characters in this game and pretty much it's only straight couple appear>Jarred's eldritch existence cannot be contained>Afterwards we proceed to go save a bunch of kids from a certain Electrorapist and the meteorniggers>We are saved by the power of trains and autism>Moonman makes a quick cameo>Satan proves to be a waifufag and blesses a Ralts with his powersWhat is this?
>this is the Reborn community multi-LP. People play through Reborn and laugh at this bullshit while having fun>you can join yourself, but please make sure to match thread progress>we also fight at certain checkpoints when the reborn servers aren't causing battles to desync. if you want to fight, use a mono or dualtype someone isn't usingResources:
LIST OF CHECKPOINTS/GOOD ENDING GUIDE (very rough approximation):
https://pastebin.com/i744NifMREBORN MONOTYPE LIST:
https://pokemon-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/MonoTypeCHOSEN DUALTYPES:
https://pastebin.com/mCw9PufcPREVIOUS THREADS:
https://rentry.org/vp-playsDOWNLOAD THE MOD HERE VVVVVV