>>51684523I still like it but I can't disagree with you. BF's best point was that Ash had a rotating team (which he should've been doing from the start), and while I like the Frontier Brains there's not much else going on.
I still remember the episode where Ash went to Viridian City and faced Agatha at Giovanni's old gym and having a proper battle at the gym that wasn't just Team Rocket and thinking that this would go back and revisit and improve upon Ash's first journey through Kanto, with maybe even a rematch with Samurai and all those other dickhead pals Ash met along the way. But instead that never happened and outside of the Frontier Brain episodes it was all just boring filler or Team Rocket centered episodes.
I even remember when Ash went to Saffron City and thinking he would challenge Sabrina and maybe even get Primeape back afterwards, instead the whole time there was wasted on some ramen competition with the Fighting Dojo.
The more I think about it, the more I become aware of all the wasted opportunities in BF.