Quoted By:
>Be me.
>Your average loser who loves Pokemon
>Played Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald all day and night when I was 10
>Thought I was a real Pokemon trainer.
>Hated every other Pokemon game, worshipped Rayquaza
>Stopped playing Pokemon until I heard they were making ORAS
>Get a raging boner
>Preorder it as soon as I could
>Think about how I will battle at Battle Frontier for 24 hours straight.
>Logs on /vp/ to see what's up
>Sup bitches
>Sees anon datamining
>"Oh shit! Awesome, let's see who I can face in Battle Frontier"
>Finds out it is unconfirmed
>Doesn't know what to do with life now
>Just cancelled my preorder, based Rayquaza has failed me
>Can't stop crying
>Texted my boss I quit, cause I will be crying all day at work.
>Don't know what to do now.