>>57336837On that note, what "Game Typing" do ampms think some of the less clear ones are equivalent too?
In the Delta Species set, I don't think there's much vagueness when given some thought. Every species either has an explicit type (Fire, Water, Electric, etc.) and the ones that don't (Grass, Psychic, Fighting) seem to be ones where they only gain a Metal-typing. For example, Beedrill and Crobat don't have any Delta versions of their unevolved forms and retain their regular typing, so the implication could be taken that they're something like Bug/Steel and Poison/Steel respectively.
It's only in Holon Phantoms where things get less explicit. Anorith is an odd one, as it's explicitly Steel, but Armaldo is Fighting/Steel, and Fighting is a common representation of Armaldo's Rock typing in the TCG. So it might be Anorith is a Steel/Rock now, instead of Bug/Rock. But then we have things like the Gloom/Vileplume, or the Omnyte, Carvanha, Execute, and Trapinch lines.
Gloom is unclear, but Vileplum's Poltergeist attack implies it's Ghost (that said, Psychic also sometimes is Poison, but given Gloom is a Delta too, I'd go with Ghost for both). Same with Omastar's Vengeful Spikes, but less explicitly Ghost-like. Carvanha and Exeggcute are both fighting. Neither Carvanha nor Sharpedo seem to have a clear clue to go on, buth the physical nature of the attacks is maybe Fighting? Exeggcute's Pebble Throw obviously points to Rock.
Trapinch is especially weird, cause it's original Type is Ground, and then gains Dragon through evolutions. But in the card games those evolutions had, until then, been represented by the Colorless type for their Dragon-typing AND used Grass energy as part of the Dragon-typing gimmick. But while it's never been Bug-type in game, it's obviously inspired by insects and Trapinch's Big Bite and Vibrava's Cutting Wind seem like Bug-types, so perhaps the line is now Bug-type with Flygon also being Steel-type.