>>39804671Probably a libtard
>>39804698Chad amongst Chads. Wobbuffet is my second favorite
>>39804716You thought that Sableye and Spiritomb were overpowered when you were younger because they don't have a weakness, don't worry I did too
>>39804719You have tiny twitch channel on which you stream Fortnite, but you won't tell anyone about it
>>39804740Honestly I don't even know
>>39804771You have an appreciation for the best goddamn type combo in the game
>>39804789You claim to love heavy metal and other loud musics but really you only know about 3 songs
>>39804870You thought May's was cool
>>39804979You're a little basic but overall good spirited
>>39804994Thinks ninjas are teh epic and probably aren't old enough to be on 4chan
>>39805009Probably into traps
>>39805091You get offended by CBT memes because you feel like people are mocking your fetish
>>39805105Implying you aren't a child Weavile was probably your favorite as a kid and you never quite out grew it
>>39805131You believe that Gen 5 truly was peak Pokemon, yet you never feel the need to fight people over it