Learning that the gym is still closed is a sledgehammer to the kneecaps for you, as you were really hoping to sneak in a battle before the day ends but alas, it seems as if such things just won't be coming to pass today.
Returning to the Pokemon Center, your room's mini-fridge is restocked with well-enough delicacies to last you the next two arcs, an effort of collaborative teamwork between you and u're waifu. The fridge is stock to the max and there's no telling what'll happen if you stick one more thing in there.
Unfortunately, the milk is the very last thing that needs to go in, and there's just no room for it.
"...Mehhh, no big deal. All we gotta do is eat some stuff is make some room."
Until then, Anina's gift is placed atop the fridge until some room can be spared. Until then, Serena begins reorganizing what's already in the fridge, particularly to her liking, in a manner wherein your shit is on the left, and hers on the right. She's always in the right, it seems.
"All the horchata....was it really necessary?" she asks.
A) "Hey man, it tastes like sex, sooooooo..."
B) "I'm just trying to be culturally sensitive, where's your broad appeal at?"
C) "It's for the winter. Hibernation and all,"
D) "It was the cock's fault, his name reminded me of its delicious existence!"