>>44906699>>44906943>LegendariesI never planned on Star starting with Victini at all. She was meant to catch it at the end of her story, if at all (a thing that's more of a 'where are they now' thing than an actual continuation). The problem was that I just couldn't settle on what her starter may actually be. Piplup was the first that came to mind, being an individual for herself and not a hand-me-down from her folks, but visually it clashed. In fact, that's why I was asking if people that Mawile might be a neat fit and if people had suggestions. But honestly that's so far away I shouldn't even entertain it when it starts to cross my mind.
>birth defectsIt's actually part of one of the few sub-species I kinda cobbled together, along with the 'boss battle' pokemon. Eldritch pokemon are more like a genetic anomaly than an actual breed, and they come with a slew of health and performance issues. Like, if we were talking stat-wise, Eldritch 'mons take a -30% hit on everything save for HP and maybe also Speed. What they make up for in conventional strength is in weirdness.
>gardevoir faggotryBeing the pokemon defined by its empathic nature, I figured they would've been a silly little visual vehicle for their trainer's actual mental well being. 'Course I'm a massive faggot. I ain't gonna fight that. Why not Gallade? I had one. Long, looong ago. Didn't quite care for him; also Gallade, being the heroic knight of sorts, didn't feel as appropriate for the decent into betrayal and theft. Maybe for the juxtaposition? Eh.
>shiniesWould you believe that the shinies I have in mind for the story belong almost exclusively to antagonist characters? That's actually where the original notion of a shiny gardevoir came from (and I'm a hack that recycles concepts here and there). If nothing else it felt also like it was a fun little nod that, despite Dawn's heroic desires, did quite un-heroic things.