>>15309803For Nate & Rosa: http://pastebin.com/ibekcFAZFor Calem & Serena (in progress): http://pastebin.com/sgnYBisDPokemon Mystery Dungeon - Gates to Mediocrity: http://pastebin.com/M8fPAu1LYou can also try searching up my trip on foolz archive, though foolz has only just recently started archiving /vp/, so not all my stories, such as the entirety of Wobbunoir, have been archived by them. I've also lost the download link for it provided by Cake.>>15309659http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DKXQQMIpGMThe trees all stare down into the hole, then back at you, then back into the hole, then back at you. Five seconds ago that hole was an unbelievable portal into the depths of hell, and now...now it's just a fucking hole.
One of the braver Phantumps speaks up, pointing at you rather accusingly, "You killed him. You....You killed him!"
Beginning to get worried, you float in front of your Pokemon and Miss Leading should you have to defend yourself against the wood ghosts once again, "I-I didn't mean to! I mean, he was going to steal candy after all..."
At first, the Trevenants and Phantumps give you a mean look, as if they're going to fucking murder you right then and there for causing their king to fall.
And then,
they start chanting and cheering.