>>38000066I like the idea of the Fairy type in principle, but not the way it was implemented. My biggest beef would be that it completely robbed Ice types of their niche. Ice was never stellar to begin with, but GF has turned the type into utter cold garbage by introducing Fairy without buffing Ice. I'm hoping against hope that GF will revamp Ice to make it viable again in Gen 8, but I can't say that I believe in it at this point. It already borders on a miracle that we got even a single good Ice type from Gen 7 with Alolan Ninetales, which ironically enough was given a secondary Fairy typing because Ice on its own is just too abysmal.
My second beef with Fairy is its downright immunity to Dragon which just seems completely random from a storytelling perspective. For most types their strengths and weaknesses seem intuitively plausible at least to some degree. Fire burns plants, water extinguishes fire, plants drink water, that all makes immediately sense to any kid. But dragon does nothing to fairy? It's just weird man. And how could it be otherwise, since the (not well thought out) attempt at balancing the meta game is the only reason why it is was decided to be this way.