>>56068100dont understand the hostility anon
"we got rocked hard
6 of the original 8 nuked from orbit
nothing out of the usual was done,
location mock was within 4 miles of physical irl location
using pgshart during that specific timeperiod is what i believe triggered the ban
actions in the past had nothing to do with it as the spooks that didn't login were untouched
i would imagine this is how the "banwaves" happen, niantic picks a date and anyone 3rd party app usage during that time period results in the ban.
the girls received NO warning
we got NO response from customer support (expected)"
how is this talking out of my ass again? sheesh
https://arch.b4k.co/vp/thread/56008273/#q56017657using deductive reasoning\logic is how i came to my conclusions, via months of sharing info with people here over time.
again, the v& is random
the spoofs have done their jobs though, this july go-fest will be their final task
im trading for my final missing shining premier ball legendary this week
i'll miss u guys