Cute black girls edition
>What is Pokémon Masters?A gacha game that is receiving improvements, actually has soul, doesn't erase all your save data, and has a dev team that cares about their fans, unlike Sword & Shield.
>A Message from the Pokémon Masters Team>FAQ>Gear FAQ>Model ripping/datamining project (3vp) FAQ>How to Play and How to Win>How do I reroll?1. Play until you complete the chapter 1 tutorial. This should reward you with a little over 1,300 gems, which is enough to roll three characters.
2. Use these and any additional gift/login gems to either roll for a character you like or the current two strongest Strikers in the game, Olivia and Brendan. There is no benefit to rolling ten characters at once other than saving time
3. If you are unsatisfied with your results go to the options menu, click "delete save data" and start over.
>Reroll Guide thread: