>>43881151These were definitely made by someone from the scene, there are a lot of fine little details (like how the top cut qualification works or used to work) that couldnt have just been made by any random LARPing /vp/tard who’s never actually played VGC.
Hard to say how much of this is made up because the guy behind it is certainly some spiteful little shit, some of this stuff is also from before I started playing and getting to know the community, and I’m from Europe so I cant verify some stuff that happens within the American community. Some of these things are well known like Markus throwing, Wolfey actually being an unlikable autist in person and TPCi posting full teams online before the finals before players begged them to stop.
Come to think of it, I think both of these threads might’ve been made by CasedVictory or someone from his vicinity (sogeking?). He admits he got banned for life from VGC for harassing people on Twitter, also that LightBitchVGC troll account he ran is also obviously a reference to LightCoreVGC (Nicholas Borghi) but idk what their relationship was so I cant 100% say it’s him. Figures he would be a 4chan regular if real though. Funny thing is he recentely got super mad for trying to enter aDrive’s and Wolfey’s tournament and getting b8 minutes before it started, pic related.