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Looking to trade a few shinies- all of mine are kalos born. Looking for nicknamable (or already nicknamed), kalos born, uncloned shinies. I have:
Totodile (Adamant, w/ Ice Punch and Aqua Jet, 1IV in HP)
Sentret (Brave, Keen Eye, no max IVs)
Minccinno (Impish, Skill Link, 2IVs)
Golett (Timid, Iron Fist, no max IVs)
Bergmite (Neutral Nature, 4IV)
Zebstrika (+SpA/-SpD, Motor Drive, 2IVs)
Not Nicknamable:
Ponyta (Pentaperfect, jolly, uncloned, nicknamed 'Blaze', flash fire)
Audino (Neutral Nature, 2IV)