New trainer sheet with spruced up template and slight changes.
I love your drawing style and the underground theme. Also Ditto on team is always nice to see.
Team fits the regal theme well, the Rex nickname seems out of place but its otherwise fine.
Plague mask seems rather out of place with the whole cop thing. Mega Lopunny is totally a perfect fit for a female cop character oddly enough. Cute team in general and nice song choices.
Simple and straight forward. Seems like an excessive amount of mega stones considering you can only have 1 at a time really. Great bag choice and nice practical outfit. Team is pretty standard overall but I like the Joltik in particular.
Classy trainer. I like that you added the letterhead from the games in your personal effects and the wailord plush is adorable. Nice team as well.
Pretty standard team. Outfit is nice, I like the bag as well. Good food choices too.