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To be completely honest as one of those people who used to demand it, it was a little detail that was baffling to me that it didn't just become a staple of the series since it added more to the whole "wow your pokemon love you so much and your bond is so strong" thing that the narrative loves to push with every other NPC having to mention it. I was never really desperate for it as much as I couldn't believe that it wasn't something they would come back to. BW should have had it, at least, even if they had to reuse sprites from HGSS I would have loved to see it anyways.
Pokemon Amie was a step in the right direction, the series isn't necessarily about ONLY having Pokemon battles and taking down an evil team or being the best, but it's supposed to be about being friends with potentially dangerous creatures that only choose not to obliterate you with their powers because they love you and you give them food, play with them, and pet them. It means more to have that interaction than to sit around reading dialogue boxes telling you that your Pokemon love you soooooo much.
And yes I know:
>hurrr durrr its pixels who gives a shit
The games are about immersion as much as they are the mechanics. The whole selling point of the franchise ARE the Pokemon, so you have to make people like them somehow.
Considering how SWSH handled it, I'm not very confident in asking them for stuff anymore because they'll fuck it up somehow. So now, I don't really care, especially if my favorite Pokemon isn't really guaranteed to be in a future game anymore.