>>53768772Overdue update, been playing TotK the past week but picking this up again while my controller charges.
>MayleneGravastar the Duskull Shadow Snuck Meditite twice, Hubble Air Slashed Machoke twice, then the newly-evolved Shaula tanked a few Metal Claws from Lucario and took him down with two Digs.
>Galactic storyWith a new ally in Maylene, Diamond assists Dawn with recovering her Pokedex from Galactic grunts. He and Looker later investigate the warehouse the grunts were guarding, only to find the mysterious Porygon, who Diamond takes into his care and upgrades to its next form.
>Crasher WakeHubble OHKOs Gyarados with Shock Wave, then the newly-evolved Earth switches into a Crunch from Floatzel before switching again for Aquarius, who is pumped to face another of his kind. Aquarius shirks off an Ice Fang, then the two clash with Crunch. The damage is a bit too much though, so Aquarius switches for Deneb, who tanks Crunch twice before confusing Floatzel with Psybeam. Earth shields Deneb from another Crunch before switching out of the incoming Ice Fang, but Floatzel hits himself in confusion as Hubble returns. Wake heals Floatzel, but it's not enough as Hubble unleashes a full-power Shock Wave to OHKO. Earth steps in again to finish off Quagsire with Razor Leaf.
>Galactic storyImmediately after the gym battle, Team Galactic nukes the Great Marsh to test their new bomb. Diamond, Pearl, and Looker chase the perpetrator, but he escapes via helicopter. Diamond travels to Celestic Town to pursue a lead and thwarts another bombing attempt. The mysterious Cyrus arrives and reveals himself to be the leader of Team Galactic, then quickly loses a battle to Diamond and leaves with his failed grunt. Diamond travels to Canalave City next per Cynthia's suggestion, and intends to train at Iron Island with Looker's contact, Riley, before challenging Byron.