>>43039032>Shinies? Those aren't fundamental. They are literally a reskin.I listed tat as a change, not a fundamental change. this is highlighted in the very next sentence
>Stronger enemies? the game is easier thanks to it making TMs cheaper and easy to appear at the shop. You also start with a killer move pool that makes the game a breeze with that kind of coverage.Yeah its not like the bosses have been made harder, more intricate, and given their own weather and area effects- oh wait they have. IT's not like they improved the movesets of the wild Pokemon in gener- oh shit they did. Its not like there's literally a new class of extra powerful pokemon that show u- OH HOLY CRAP STOP THE PRESSES.
>Map visual and length changes? They made 2 maps shorter dude.Way to ignore the visual changes, but I worded this weirdly. I meant that the updated visual IS a change, and length changes are still FUNDAMENTAL changes. They also made Ho-Oh's dungeon longer btw.
>Except for the baby pokemon none of the new pokemon appear as enemies making them an enigma in the game.But you can use them, which gives you more teambuilding, exploring, and recruitment strategies. Also, things EVOLVE into those Pokemon y'know, someone might have a reason to actually care about getting Electabuzz or Snover now where they didn't before.
>And on and on. Stop kidding yourself, this remake is a bastardization of the original and they charge more for it.You sound like a snoy poster or troll. Like a 50/50 chance you're one or the other, because someone with actual problems with DX wouldn't spout a bunch of factually untrue garbage and whine about it being some sort of desecrated sacred cow