Pokégen is still alive for those who have an action replay/R4 flashcart and a retail cartridge,
Pokecheck.org is down for "maintenance" and there's only a few genners left! Remember that only Pokémon from Gen 5 and below can be genned. When requesting a Pokémon use the format below:
>Pokémon:>Nickname:>Level:>Shiny:>Gender:>Ability:>Language:>--Moves-->>>>>Nature:>IVs:>EVs:>OT Name:>OT Gender:>ID/SID>Pokéball:>Origin game:Pleeeease try to use this format when requesting Pokémon, it can add about an extra 2 minutes to the time it take me to gen stuff when all the criteria is out of order.
Also, mention what you are offering in return: BP items, balltism females, other breeding leftovers.. Breeding leftovers are always nice I guess. Please don't just chuck us a Disc though, it actually takes a while to get these Pokémon into Gen 6.
>FAQ:>Can you generate any Pokémon I want?Only 'mons from Gen 5 and below.
>Is there a Pokégen for Gen 6 'mons?Not that we have access to.
>Can the location be set to XY?Nope.
>Can you put a Gen 4 Pokéball on a Gen 5 'mon?Nope.
>My Pokémon has egg moves; can I put a specific Pokéball on it?Nope.
>Can I check online for a guide on egg/level up/tutor moves?http://www.pokemondb.net/pokedex; you can also try Serebii or Bulbapedo.
>Is there any risk at using genned pokemons online?Other than being horribly humiliated by a complete stranger, no.
Please make sure the Pokémon you are requesting is legal IN GEN 5.