>>36345028>IT'S A BLOODBATHWow, look at the image for a quick synopsis but I'll go into detail here.
>Will PsychicfagNever underestimate Will, his Exeggutor hits like a truck and the Xatu's are annoying if no Electric/Dark type. Ended up getting out just fine
>KogaGo back to your Gym, EQ for days, although his Ariados gave me a fright with it knowing Giga Drain
>BrunoBruno... motherfucking Bruno. Fighting types are already a problem for my team, as Noctowl is weak as hell and doesn't have good moves to surpass it's low stats. Ended up being fine until I got to his Machamp - IF YOU CAN'T KO IT IN ONE HIT it WILL Cross Chop you and so few mos can live it. It's been a problem in past Lockes, it was one today. Chopped down BOTH Quagsire and Politoad, my Ice Punch abusers for Lance, and Noctowl who even after healing died to CC in one hit. I sent in Golem of all things hoping it would outspeed, it did not, it DID however LIVE A CROSSCHOP (uncritted) and EQ finished the job.
>KarenI was shook, but not that shook, just had to EQ spam, switch out for Vileplume, overall easy win. I chose to use my remaining Rare Candies on Golem to boost him from 43 to 47, as I kind of knew I'd need him to beat the Flying type use- err I mean Dragon type user without my ice punchers
>LanceWigglytuff led out VS Gyarados, Thunder punch did a pathetic 50% but avoiding the Hyper Beam allowed it to 2 shot. Switched into Meganium to Poison stall the Thunder Dragonite (gave TM Detect right before battle as a means to waste turns) and succesfully did so. Then it happened. Blizzard kills Meganium, Wigglytuff got Hyper Beamed to death, and all I'm left with is my Lvl47 Golem
>Let's ROLLOUTHaha just kidding I did not click Rollout as I wanted to be able to heal if necessary and not be locked in. Ended up living a Blizzard killed the Lvl47 Blizzardnite, kills the Lvl 50 Fire Blast Dragonite which got confused due to Outrage. Aerodactyl and Charizard went down EZ
>MVP GOLEM, saved the locke