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1. Mega Gallade (Galladite):
Ability: Stance Change
Type: Fighting/Fairy
I imagine Mega Gallade with a sword for one arm and a bladed shield for the either. If the Gallade has learned protect, it becomes King's Shield instead when it mega evolves.
2. Mega Wobbuffet (Wobbuffetite):
Ability: Provoking Aura (acts as an automatic taunt, preventing enemies from using non-attacking moves)
Type: Ghost/Psychic
I imagine Mega Wobbuffet looking like MunchingOrange's design on Deviantart where its tail (supposedly its real body) becomes a huge ghost-like figure holding its fake body like a puppet/shield
3. Mega Dunsparce (Dunsparcite):
Ability: Mega Driller (Boosts or gives priority to drilling/spinning attacks, haven't decided which)
Dunsparce is one of my favorite pokemon and deserves a Mega evolution to at least make it playable as anything other than a para-flincher and making it Dragon/Fairy would be awesome. Maybe make it looks similar to Dragonith's design of it on Deviantart and give it an ability named "Mega Driller" or something like that because of its huge drill that increases the power or priority of drill/spinning moves such as Rapid Spin or Drill Run
4. Mega Ninetales (Ninetalesite): Exactly like the one Dragonith created where its ability Phantom allows it to use a move with 0 hp before fainting and its typing would be Fire/Ghost
5. Mega Snorlax (Snorlaxite):
Ability: Huge Power
Type: Normal/Fighting
I imagine it would look like MTC-Studios' Snorlax on Deviantart that looks buff as hell. It would most likely sacrifice some defenses for a boost in attack and speed.