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If adam is here I hatched all the eggs for my mystery egg run.
Clank- M Corphish, jolly nature. shell armor ability. superpower, double edge, dragon dance, body slam.
Angel- F Combee, quiet nature, hustle, sweet scent, gust, bug bite, bug buzz.
Fin- M Barboach, calm, hydration, earth power, thrash, hydropump, dragon dance
.exe- Porygon, timid, trace, aerial ace, gigaimpact, rest, blizzard
Torpedo- M Cranidos, jolly, sheer force, ironhead, crunch, double edge, whirlwind.
Pebbles- F Snubbull, impish, run away, metronome, mimic, close combat, double edge.
I have no idea how natures work as I am a huge plebeian. Also really glad that the combee is female, my heart jumped when I saw it hatch.