>>4559987129 from USA
first was Blue version on a red gameboy pocket lol and now I'm going through the DLC for shield
I really loved Ruby as a kid and played a lot of Y. all time favorite would be GSC though. age was just right for 2nd gen imo
I honestly don't have an opinion on which ones were the worst. I dropped off and skipped out on FR LG and white and black so I don't have an opinion other than they look cool
I have always loved Dragonite. Typhlosion and Luxray would be my other two picks
I really hate Garbador, Mr. Rime looks stupid as hell and I can't think of any others that I dislike off the top of my head
my younger brother played a lot of Colosseum and really enjoyed watching and I have fond memories of playing snap and stadium with friends who had N64s
I like Digimon overall even though I've never committed to it like I have Pokemon. The first world was cool at first but got really stupid after a while. the OG anime I watched a lot (and the new one is not too bad)
cool thread op