>>48392650>GearaPersian, Clefable, Alolan Marowak, Krookodile, Grimmsnarl, Gengar. Annoyingly, though you just get Surf right before this, it's weakened by the forest field. Begin with Grapploct and Brick Break but he swaps right to Clefable, so I send in Oricorio to deal with it thanks to buffed Air Slash in this field. A-Wak comes out, so I pivot Muzan then Phibrizzo, who I kept Water Pulse on for this, but Shadow Bone does a lot so I swap back to Muzan and kill with Faint Attack. This prompts in Gengar so I swap to Satan, taking the Sludge Wave and responding with Crunch. Grimmsnarl comes out to try Bulking Up but I have Jagi to come in and Charm it down to -6, then chip away with Play Roughs as it just spams Bulk Up uselessly. Finally is Persian, who dies to Grapploct.
>Dimensional Rift CarnivineIt's Grass/Dragon with Thick Fat, Coil, Power Whip, Dragon Rush, Gunk Shot and heavy stat buffs. It sets up Coils as I take down its shields with Kain. Unfortunately, it has infinite PP, so no PP stall. I do Taunt it, then carefully keep track of its Attack stat as I swap through immunities/Jagi to lower its Attack to Drill Peck it with Kain while I can, resetting Taunt as soon as I could. Though I did plan to have Honest come in and Haze away its Coils once it got too high in attack, Kain just ended up critting with Drill Peck, killing it.
>>48392747That's a bit of shame. Still, congrats.
And yeah, same to you on reading battles. It's fun to see what people come up with and what they're fighting, like Perish Song is a fucking kino way to end it.
>>48394384Lmao at the Jotaro pic. Also, Vigoroth is fuckin based
>>48394447Take your time. Always great to have an old artfag return, wish I had the creativity/humor that goes into these
>>48394781What an absolute king.
And yeah, only gets rougher from here