>>45842768Not him but my dad is 65 and has ran at least 5 miles a day for the past 40 years, continued to do so after heart surgery, and does so now during this time of pandemia. One thing we can all agree on, irrespective of the degree of lethality, is the virulence of the disease; that is, it's safe to assume that he contracted it (and that you and I did too). If the virus was worth cededing immense amounts of power and wealth to businesses, it would have already killed my father and probably me as well. Everyone in my family is in near flawless physical condition, myself and all of my friends are extremely athletic. Despite the fact that we have regularly went to the gym or participated in various athletic events over the past year, not a single person in my circle has been rendered unable to participate in the extremely stressful, both aerobically and anatomically, strength or endurance regimens. The only people I know who got sick are fat fucks, smokers, and a few ultra elderly and I do not believe it is moral to cede what little political power we have left in the west for the well being of human refuse. You can get offended, but the left believes the same as me insofar as they were willing to protest and gather for the sake of their ideals despite the "hyper lethal" virus. I'm open to debate but ideologues and petty utilitarians will be ignored