>>56666871>(3/2) CONTINUEDHad a brainwave, why were (in-universe) Regieleki and Regidrago only in Galar? Because if each Regi has things to teach humanity, why was Galar granted access to the golems that possibly represent electricity and (I have no clue on this front) magic or something?
Because a long time ago, Galar was ruled by Calyrex, a Pokémon that could see into the future, it was the only polity around that could feasibly understand and use their powers well. Unfortunately, the Darkest Day happened, Pokémon were feared (as was the style at the time), and the golems were imprisoned by a fearful humanity, propaganda used to erase all mention of Pokémon ruling them, even in the twin dog heroes being replaced by a story of a single man with a sword and shield. If Calyrex still ruled, perhaps the world of Pokémon would be a golden age, where even the miraculous technology of AZ would be outmatched and proliferated three thousand years early.