>>47958178“Kind of? You’re out of the game for a few seconds.”
>”Huh. Weird.”>“Why isn’t he fighting back?” Zoroark asked, pointing at the screen again.>This time at a friendly blue heavy.>He tossed you a sandvich, spamming the “Good Job!” lines. >Thanks! You answered.“He’s friendly.”
>”He could kill you if you turn and keep going down the track.”>”Kill him.”>Stone cold.>But you let your pokémon call the shots this time.>A single, lucky crit obliterated him into a pile of giblets. >Zoroark clapped, pleased at the violence.>”Now that one.” She said, pointing at a new opponent. “He’s away from his pack.”“Good call.” You said, heading towards the lone engineer your friend singled out.
*One successful defense later*
>”Can I try?”“Of course!” You answered, reaching over and hugging the fox.
>She giggled as you half pulled her into your computer chair.>You slid off and swung around to sit in her previous seat.”There’s a map called “Mario Kart. You wanna see it?”
“Good for beginners, I think.”
>She perked up at that, nodding quickly.“It’s a custom map, so it won’t look like the one I was just on.” You warned.
“But it’ll let you figure out how to move and shoot, so...”
>Zoroark kicked her legs as you brought up a list of servers.>”That’s a lot of words…” She said, watching the gray browser refresh.>”I can’t read any of them. It’s too fast.”“Same.” You agreed.
> You clicked on a near-full server hosting one of the many Mario kart variants.>The strangeness did not go unnoticed.>Zoroark looked at you quizzically, confused at how different everything looked.>But she still wanted to try. She picked heavy as you pointed out everything she could do.>The first thing she did was mow down a conga line and cackled at her murder spree.More Zoroark gf: