Pupper edition
New/Returning Player?
>https://pastebin.com/ZsYKRnPK>https://imgur.com/a/z4NoDRn>Public trade is like the GTS, if you want proper results, put up your own offers.>Don't open tradable packs unless it's from giveaways (and POST PULLS)What theme deck should I buy? (current because theme decks are cancelled)
>Kyogre (water beats fire)>Relentless Flame (most luck)>Dragonite (most consistent)>Groudon>Charizard VIV (has SSH trainers)>Stop buying theme decks unless you want more types>Rillaboom>Zamazenta>Necrozma>Raikou>Stop again because fairy and dark aren't worth itResources
>https://www.trainerhill.com/analysis/meta (meta analysis of online tournaments)>https://play.limitlesstcg.com/tournaments (online tournaments and decklists)>https://unformer.com/ (matchmaking site for tryhards)>https://www.justinbasil.com/guide/teu-on/budget (reddit's budget decks)>https://pastebin.com/svqYihpM (budget deck pastebin, outdated)>https://pastebin.com/kM7ucNV8 (trading tips pastebin)>https://ptcgoprices.com (automated prices for online trading)Team Challenge II every weekend if you qualified for a team
Players Cup IV June 19 if you qualified and registered for the regional
Chilling Reign
>Will be added to ptcgo on June 17 and to the shop on June 18What is V-Union?
>4 cards form a single pokemon. The first three release in Japan on either July 30 or August 2>>47379326