Thanks for the advice anons I think I'm gonna cool it and start saving gems again
>>42092385Only five star outside of seasonal Siebold I don't have is Lyra
I'd really want to get her from this banner too but I know chances are slim
Congrats tho anon this banner is a great chance for anyone to catch up on their 5 stars!
>>42092403god I'm so bad at saving
>>42092452>failed to 0HKO a BagonWhat...not that it matters but with or without buffs?
That's insane for a move that costs three fucking bars
The thing is there's only one five star from the banner I'm missing (since the seasonal units aren't there) so I'm thinking maybe I SHOULD save my gems after all
I'll pull dailies but that's it
>>42092508yeah that's fair
the only character I really REALLY want is Red > Morty > Sabrina > N