>>19250863Now I kinda regret for not setting clause on pokemon I catched on my X nuzlocke. I did catch Oddish from same route there too, but thought it was just sprinkle of bad luck at my direction - also, if I chose to train her I could evolve her into Bellossom instead of Vileplume, so no harm here, right? Then I went and ran into Meditite, Sandile, Machop AND (..."Very Rare" encounter rate) Emolga on exactly same areas as in X. I'm not gonna change my rules now, but I feel pretty dull for kinda thinking games with this wide and varied repertoire of pokemon species might endure another go without special rules.
Anyway, Cliff badge won and received without problems. Azurill evolved all the way to Azumarill during gym and beat Grant pretty much single-handedly. I can't wait for Power-up punch TM, because even without Huge power and with defensive specialisation through EVs (...so far I've EV trained them all and that's why my progress is slow as balls) my friend Azumarill is beast, in good way for me and bad way for challenger. For next, I might want to prepare for Reclection Cave + Shalour Gym. Gonna train new Spoink definitely, and patiently see if I run into some interesting monsters in uncoming areas, hopefully!!