>>26756269The only really bad feature they've shown is the type effectiveness shit. I don't think the stat changes are going to affect the game in any noticeable way. Is there any other new casualization I didn't see?
I really hate all the people defending the type shit with "it's a kid's game!" though. When did /vp/ become so self-depreciating? There were people defending Gen VI but they didn't seem to hate themselves as much, defenses like "Just turn the Exp. Share off!" were shitty in my eyes but it was better than this, since they were arguing that you can have fun despite the casualization. Here it's just "it's not meant for you or me, play something else, stop complaining!"
I just can't imagine they themselves are having fun, they're just defending GF because they feel obligated to. Unless they're actually underage and do like the change, which is a possibility considering the board we're on.