>>37902501Fair enough on the Lando-calc. Though I still firmly believe that in a meta where almost every team is guaranteed to have a tapu on it is pretty big for Gengar. Pic related is current DOU usage. 3 out of 4 tapus are in top 10 with Bulu in the 11 spot. If Gengar was given Cursed Body without Tapus then I MIGHT consider it a nerf but these fucking unga bunga islander Pokemon are everywhere and they helping Gengar, plus Cursed Body is still good in general. People seem to sleep on the ability. I've been fucked over by Gengar's more often because they disable some priority move I needed or a choice'd Pokemon of mine.
also what he said
>>37902560like I said before, the power creep finally caught up to it. It just can't keep up with the shit GF is putting into their games now.