>>34958734Yyyyeah, sea lions have a really big sexual diphormism. I dunno, it can also depend on species, but yeah. Looking more into sea lions in general, Pinnister/Ballio makes far more sense than it should. It would've been a literal male Steller sea lion made into a pokemon, except with clown and strongman attributes (possibly slightly human-ish due to the fins becoming hands). The total opposite of Primarina in every sense of the word, who is female, mermaid/siren-like and alludes to prima donnas (opera singers) as well as having a slender body compared to Pinnister's bulk.
He also commented something like "despite its looks, he's far more lighthearted" or "friendlier" than it looks. Something like that, can't bother to look back. Also Hisoka (the rubber balloon thing) and other clown influences as well strongmans in general.
And you haven't even seen a standing one yet.