>>12984178(guy who posted oshawott image)
The reason why everyone glorifies the third gen (at least the people I know) its because that was the last gen they played. Everyone had a GBA SP, and that was the generation everyone played. By this time, the whole "pokemon is from the devil" craze passed, and the SP was pretty much the best hand held ever (back light, long rechargable battery). But not so far after, the DS came out. Not everyone updated, but stayed on GBA. Since no updates, they didn't play Gen IV, and since high school almost begun, or at least Jr High (i was born in 93), pokemon stopped being cool, but rather kidish. The nostalgia exponentially grows
TL;DR. Everyone had GBA SPs, and 3Gen pokemon. Everyone traded, and played together. Not upgraded to DS. Pokemon became "uncool"
Only compared to first two gens. By far, best presentation of all.
Pic totally not related