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Just finished Electric trial, cleared Route 12. Noivern is still a Noibat but in 7 or so levels will be a Noivern. I am overleveled but for good reason as I never evolved Piplup until level 43 to get Hydro Pump early. Also Zoroark is Modest even though I run him physical (might throw in Focus Blast at some point), so he's more of a mixed attacker. Lopunny has hard carried me up until now.
Levels are between 41 and 45 right now.
Had a Drifblim and Malamar but malamar gets oneshot by bug (big issue since everything outspeeeds it) and Drifblim had basically no movepool (though it hard walled fighting types which I struggled with until I got Raichu whom I waited for level 42 to get Tbolt).