>>48449515I dont know why I allowed myself to get cocky, I always thought of Solrock and Lunatone as kind of being shitmons and Surf was doing a lot to other Pokemon at around the same level, even if it wasnt supereffecive but did almost nothing to Tate & Liza, even before Sunny Day came out. Regardless, I shouldve at least thought of a backup plan instead of just going in like a retard with a half assed plan.
What Im wondering now is even if I had grinded everyone to level 42 could I have even beaten them? Rule 6 prevents me from actually countering whats coming up if I have a full team and despite feeling that way about it if I stop using it Id feel like a huge pussy even though it wasnt even a rule I started out with in the first place and added a few tries in for some ungodly reason.
Oh well though, on to try 8.
>>48449746>>48454051Even though I failed again thanks for the encouragement, it actually helped with getting me back on to play twice today when I was procrastinating.