Quoted By:
>plan on staying in for Piplup day
>get msg yesterday
>"hey anon, I'll be downtown for Piplup day if you wanna do our lucky trade"
>well I can go down for an hour
>just before bed 2 more pms on discord
>they both want to do lucky trades tomorrow
>fug, but I suppose an hour or 2...
>wake up this morning
>2 more lucky friends
>both want to meet up
Well, at least it won't be a total waste of time, probably going for Karrablast, Shelmet, Tirtouga, Archen. I also have 2 more on my list for lucky trades, what else should I go for if I run into them? I already have luckies of everything from Bulbasaur to Cresselia, and a most of the gen5 stuff so far.