>>14465935Yes, it resists Fighting, Ground, Water, Electric, and soon will be Spore immune, even though it has Natural Cure already. 4 of some of the most commonly used attacking types in the game.
>LOOK AT ALL DOES WEAKNESSES THOThe three things Celebi worries most about are easily mitigated by team mates. Celebi holds off much of the shit that matters most along with having the defenses and tools to keep itself alive. Did you know that Fire has the second highest number of resistances in the game and is still infamous for its terrible defensive ability?
>>14465988Fire and Psychic do not mix well. They don't really benefit each other offensively or defensively beyond Psychic resisting Fighting. Being weak to Ground, Water, Rock, and being T-Tar's ass slave all at once spells doom. Plus Victini is commonly used as a Scarfer which makes it even more prone to being stepped on by Tyranitar.
>>14466006>Bulky water with Hydration, Calm Mind, and/or Tail GlowYah okay.
>>14466022Manaphy is better at that one thing than Victini is at...anything.