(Spread out the candies evenly, whole team was level 62 except Barbara.)
>Cynthia>Fucked up from the start, accidentally left in Selina instead of Barbara. A 2hko fly and 1 Sucker Punch dealt with Spiritomb.>Jefferson v. Milotic. After getting fang'd it used Ice Beam. OFCOURSE IT FROZE. I send out Ivy who took revenge by critting Petal Dance.>Volcana v. Lucario. 1hko with FlameThrower.>Ivy v. Gastrodon. Used the first turn to heal Jefferson then used Giga Drain to get it's health back.>Barbara v. Roserade. 1hko'd it with Fly.>Garchomp.Jefferson used Superfang and it hit! Garchomp used Giga Impact, so on the turn it had to recharge I went for it again. I sacrificed Jefferson to Garchomp. Sorry buddy, I'll respect you forever. Ivy came in and danced to Victory.
I did it? I don't know how, but I fucking did it.
>>39332050I Toxic stalled it with Sturdy Probopass