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Is it just me or does Johto have the most iconic Gyms despite being shat on all the time?
You always hear people meming about:
>Falkner's Mud-Slap/Roost Pidgeotto
>Bugsy's U-Turn Scyther
>Whitney's Stomp + Attract + Rollout + Milk Drink Miltank and Metronome Clefairy
>Morty's Hypnosis + Dream Eater Gengar
>Chuck's Mind Reader + Dynamic Punch Poliwrath
>Jasmine's Rock Throw + Iron Tail Steelix
>Pryce's Mud Bomb + Blizzard Piloswine and Rest Dewgong
>Clair's triple Dragonairs with perfect coverage and Smokescreen + Hydro Pump/Surf Kingdra
Not even Kanto's Gym Leaders (in-game at least) get nearly this amount of recognition. The only ones that even come close are Unova, maybe Hoenn and Sinnoh, but they're only known for one or two difficult Gyms each.
Or is it just a case of "everything else is shit so it makes these stand out"?