Quoted By:
Current infectivity sorted from most to least infectious.
Critical /b/ /int/
Very High /a/ /v/ /r9k/ [s4s] /bant/ /biz/ /pol/ /tv/
High /qa/ /lgbt/ /mu/
Moderate /g/ /vg/ /co/ /his/
Low /k/ /trash/ /asp/ /ck/ /fit/ /lit/ /sp/ /tg/ /vp/ /x/
Very Low /o/ /adv/ /jp/ /sci/
Minimal /c/ /d/ /e/ /gif/ /h/ /hr/ /m/ /p/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /u/ /vr/ /w/ /wg/ /i/ /ic/ /vip/ /cm/ /hm/ /y/ /3/ /aco/ /an/ /cgl/ /diy/ /fa/ /gd/ /hc/ /mlp/ /n/ /news/ /out/ /po/ /qst/ /soc/ /toy/ /trv/ /wsg/ /wsg/
Unknown: /f/ /j/
ᎧᏒᎶᎥᏁ? /z/
Current ratio:
Recoveries ~4000
New Cases: ~2000
Ratio: 2 to 1.
Outlook: I think things are going to be okay, as long as procedure is maintained.
Another update: Public Quarantines are being put into place. The mods are currently pic related when infected posters post outside of their quarantined threads.