>>53434158>>53434134>Espeon, Garde, Glaceonthese 3 are probably the best from what I've seen. Garde and Glaceon are in their own tier. Garchomp is also pretty decent maybe near espeon level.
You always want to have at least one defender and one healer as well. A support that can't or won't heal is pretty much dead weight such as Mime and Hoopa. Mime never heals only swaps boss usually.
Best defenders from what I've seen are Trevenant with pain split and hammer And Slowbro. Bring potion if you have no healer. If you have a good healer bring fluffy tail.
If you are dps it's probably better to bring fluffy tail than x attack. Bring Potion if you don't have a good healer.
Also if you are the tank, keep in mind the bosses usually deal cleave damage so try to face the boss away from your team. If I are dps stop dancing around like retards and stay behind the boss.
Move out of red circles. Never bring more than 1 defender. Never bring more than one healer. Otherwise you are losing out on dps. So far it seems Talonflame is the worst dps I've seen.