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How to determine you as a player based on winrate/profile:
>at least 3000 ranked games played
>more than 10 seasons played
>current season wr is appropriate to evaluate at 300 games atleast
It really grinds my gears that people can open up a new account and inflate their winrate so high because they're up against bots mostly/bad players. Idc about your mon/overall winrate because you can cheat that with bot matches in quick battles. Also I'm mostly talking about SoloQ
>65%/over God. I kneel.
>60-65% Pro. You're very skilled nice, keep it up.
>57.5-60% Great. You get the job done.
>55-57.5% Good. You have potential. Some mistakes in your game you need to clean up.
>52.5-55% Mid. You always bring mediocre results. Not bad by any means but maybe you're not carrying enough when you need to.
>50-52.5% Bad. You're on the edge of negative wr. Please get better.
>45-50% Awful. You 100% have learning disabilities. Please uninstall and go play on your leap frog.
>45%/under ...actually braindead. You have brain damage. I'm sorry your parents didn't love you.